Here is a straightforward and simple method to answer what can be a very tricky question to most astrologers.
Suppose you are an astrologer and a client wanted to know whether they will gain or not from a significant financial investment that they plan to make soon. And they want a clear answer that will help them decide.
You then ask them for a name of an object – a flower or a fruit etc (there is a rule when you should see which object)
Using a letter to number conversion scheme you convert the flower or fruit name to a number.
Then you add 42 to that number. Then divide the number by 3. If the remainder is 1, you predict that there will be huge gain. If it is 2, then the gain will be less, not much. And if its 3 i.e. 0, then predict there will be loss.
For e.g. the flower etc word is converted to a number - 35. You add 42. So the sum is 77. Then 77 is divided by 3, the remainder is 2. So you predict that the gain will be less, not much.
Meanwhile you have also noted the part of their body they have touched while asking the question. And this shows a positive result.
Combining both methods you say that there will be moderate gains, not very high, but not less either, nor will they suffer a loss.
This information gives the client a clear idea whether they would like to make this investment or rather how much they would like to invest.
Similarly you can answer many other questions such as about victory or loss – e.g. in a court case or election; happiness or sadness – say with a relationship or any experience. Whether one should embark on a certain travel or not and other such questions.
These techniques comes from ancient Kerala system of Prashna numerology. I have recorded an hour long lecture on this topic. I have also made an MS-Excel template which frees you from the necessity of making any calculations. Both of these can be availed at a reasonable amount.
If interested, please email me at – with subject “Kerala Prashna Lecture - 1”